You're In! Thanks For Joining The Waitlist!
As soon as we have enough interest, we'll set a date and time for the Effortless Toddler Obedience Workshop. For now, follow the steps below to help us make this training great...
STEP 1: Check Your Email
Our system is currently sending you an email with the details of the workshop, as well as the promised BONUS video: Why Christian Parenting is Failing
STEP 2: Additional Bonus
Yes, I couldn't help it! I'm sending you a series of very short emails to give you something to think about until the Free Webinar. In these emails I will share 5 reasons that our current approach to raising toddlers is ineffective and stressful. I hope you enjoy them!
STEP 3: Ask Your Biggest Question
Use the comment box below to share your biggest problem, frustration, or question about raising your toddler:
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