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Price Increases to $349/yr or $35/m in...

YES Amy, I'm ready to raise powerful, naturally obedient children using the Graceful Parenting Method that's based on Scripture and backed by Science!

Enter your information and submit your payment of $495 or $49/m  $299 or $30/m to be officially part of the Graceful Parenting Academy for a year!

HAVE QUESTIONS? Email Amy at admin@raisingamazingkids.com


Graceful Parenting Academy BETA 2 – Yearly
Graceful Parenting Academy BETA 2 – Monthly


  • Graceful Parenting Academy BETA 2 – Yearly

    Get a yearly membership to the group for better parenting.
    * This is a recurring product
  • Total

    USD $299.00



When you join, you get access to the full Graceful Parenting Academy for a year which includes the following:

  1. GPA Community
  2. The Academy Core training
  3. Live Weekly Group Coaching calls
  4. Pop-Up Workshops



The first 5 yearly registrants receive a FREE 1-on-1 coaching call with Amy ($150 value)


Total Value: $ 15,000+ 

Join for only $450/year $299/year!


“This teaching needs to be shared with all parents. Very enlightening!” Jesse M, Phillipines

“Amy Hayes is the Dave Ramsey of parenting. This training needs to be in every church!" Bonnie D, Dallas, TX

“What Amy Hayes does is like nothing I have ever seen before! I had breakthrough with my children and saw a difference right away. Her program is very unique and she teaches us as parents what the Bible truly says about parenting. I would recommend her program to any parent who is struggling in any way with their children! Thank you Amy” Jessica G, MI

“Amy is an instrument of God, she has the experience and understanding to show us how to parent with the heart of God, the way God intended.” Carmen B, NY

“So fantastic! I'm absolutely delighted to find parenting training that includes the practical, emotional and spiritual aspects all in one!” Gloria B, BC, Canada

“We have been trying to change our 3 yr olds behavior for 2 years with no success. One tip from Amy and it changed immediately!” Joseph P, NM

“This is an amazing teaching andtestimony ! Listen to this woman of God, she knows her stuff!!” Anissa Z, CT

"I feel this renewed sense of hope!!! I’ve been having a hard time being a single mom with 3 kiddos and I just can’t help but flow tears of joy because I KNOW things are going to change!!! Thank you for sharing this."
Jordan P, MA

"Thank you so much! So simple yet so profound!"
Brenda H, TX

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